Thermography Inspections
Most popular magnificent 7 thermal image health checks:
1, Solar panel array - residential
2, Solar panel array - commercial
3, Roof insulation efficiency & cold spots
4, Window & door energy loss & cold spots
5, Porch & roof extension insulation efficiency & cold spots
6, Flat roof moisture/damp content
7. Downpipe/drainage pipe leaks
Solar Panels: the downside
Let's face it, solar panels are brilliant! However, the efficiency of any individual solar panel will start to deteriorate within only a few years due to a continuous battering of the elements they're forced to endure every day: hail, sleet, snow, wind, rain, heat, cold... and unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it.
Lichens: Lichens are unique organisms - not quite fungi yet not really algae. nevertheless they can quickly spread across the surface of a solar panel, appearing as green or white patches, or crusty growths, damaging the acrylics and polymer surface making the panels appear opaque, physically blocking sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells and a poor energy outage.
Fungi: They manifest as dark, reddish or discolored spots, indicating their presence and growth. Microscopic spores are carried by the wind that can settle on solar panels initiating the growth of fungal colonies. Fungi can grow rapidly, covering large areas of solar panels if left untreated. Their uneven growth on panels can course individual cells to overheat that can lead to hotspots.
Cement dust: One of the biggest enemies of solar panels, consisting of incredibly fine particles that can work their way into tiny surface imperfections, creating an electrostatic charge making the particles to adhere more strongly to surfaces. The sandy nature of cement dust poses an additional challenge, as its abrasive quality can increase the risk of scratching the glass surface.
Dust and Environmental Pollution: Dust and environmental pollution quickly settles on solar panels forming a thin layer. The small particles penetrate microscopic imperfections, making them harder to dislodge as they create an opaque coating. This layer is often barely visible but can have a substantial impact on sunlight absorption and energy outage.
Bird Droppings: Bird droppings, often overlooked as a minor nuisance, pose a significant threat to solar panels due to their corrosive nature. They are a combination of uric acid, feces and food scraps. They appear as unsightly stains on solar panels, the uric acid contained in excrement accelerates the corrosion of materials and can lead to the degradation of panel materials, making their removal mandatory since they can cause long-term damage.
Any build-up of matter can cause panel issues including a PV (PhotoVoltaic) efficiency drop by as much as 30%. Dirt, dust, tree sap, pollen and traffic pollution also create surface opaques, all of which build into a thin layer of matter.
Falling debris from trees, such as small branches and pine cones, can create hairline cracks. In turn adverse weather conditions can exacerbate a small crack into a much larger one, yet remain undetectable until it's too late when the panel fails. And something like an innocent scratch will itself hinder efficiency. On its own won't be an issue, but over time more and more scratches will inevitably multiply into a considerable drop in energy outage as they hinder sunlight from shining directly onto panel cells and render the entire panel useless if left untreated.
There are also PV cell panel failures that frustratingly cannot be seen with the naked eye: hot spots being the number one irritation, which can easily lead to diode burn outs. Thankfully, using drone thermography technology such faults can be quickly, efficiently and safely detected. And should any hot spots spread across a 'string' (adjoining panels) undetected, an underperforming string outage may occur. If ignored an entire string could fail causing a catastrophic energy outage loss. So finding hotspots in a single panel can quickly be replaced before further costs and damage occurs.
Not forgetting roof insulation cold-spots, energy heat loss and moisture/damp detection
Aerial thermography of roof tops clearly highlight the efficiency (or lack of it) of loft insulation. Using these particular palettes, green and yellow indicating a low thermal energy heat signature loss, red and white indicating a much higher loss.
Aerial thermography of window heat & energy loss
Thermal image of a flat roof highlighting excessive moisture retention due to a puddle entering a small rip in the felt.
But it's not all doom and gloom, honest!
We're simply highlighting some worse case scenarios. However, a simple, low-cost and incredibly effective preventative maintenance thermal image inspection will highlight any issues or potential costly failures if left unattended. And should there be a need for further investigation we can point you in the right direction towards professionals that are experts in solar panel maintenance, roof repairs and insulation installation.
Our thermal & HD image UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) sensors are designed to:-
Pinpoint potential or existing damage
Wear & tear
Soiled/dirt build-up
Thermography sensitive hotspots
Diode burn outs
Thermal image technology will also highlight:-
Roof insulation cold-spots
Door and window energy loss
Moisture content/damp on flat roof layouts
Leaking drain pipes
Our summer special offer for your solar panel health check is only £60!
(Special offer ends 30th September 2024 and will return to £180)
Along with our combined roof & solar panel health check at only £90 (normally £270) both summer special health checks will end 30th September 2024 But hurry! Our bookings are already at a 14-day advance.
So drop us an email of your interest in either your solar panel health check or your combined roof inspection that includes HD visual images that may show weather/storm damage of chimney pots/stacks, condition of slates/tiles, aerials and other roof furniture. Thermal images for insulation cold-spots, energy loss, moisture content in flat roof layouts, damp spots and drainpipe leaks.
Take advantage of our summer solar panel health check offer and pay the same price next year!
Important: Our Summer 2024 health check special offer(s) specifically include thermal (Ironball and White hot palettes) with visual daytime photographs emailed directly to you that can be shared with your solar panel engineer/electrician (they prefer White hot palette images) and roof/insulation maintenance repairer that will show an overview of any probable, potential or actual defects so they can advise on any repairs/replacements.
Should you require a Thermal Data Inspection Report with mapping imaging and annotations to accompany highlighted probable, potential and actual defect analysis of any cold spots, damp, solar panel hot spots, cell failures, including area volume and measurements, please let us know if you want this particular service via our email address for further details.
Depending upon area and volume of solar panels/roof, the data collected for thermal mapping create huge files to process into a concise report. These files allow our software programme to create your personal file of your inspection highlighted with annotations attached to thermal images, where a link of the file is emailed to you.
Thermal Data Inspection Report including 2D mapping and annotations
3D visual image data inspection report (buildings) including annotations and measurements
The most desired interest in our drone inspections - be they 2D or 3D models, visual and/or thermal images/reports - is that our clients can instruct us to carry out an inspection whilst they continue with their busy day unhindered and free from visiting the site during inspection. Aerial inspections is also a huge saving on escalating costs for internal and hired labour, scaffolding/cherry pickers, and time. The drone method inspection can also be emailed to the client (sometimes on the same day but usually within 24 hours) for them to study and make a decision on repairs/construction/maintenance without being on site. They may also wish to share the inspection with a project/site manager, architect, or maybe arrange an appointment with an engineer/electrician/tradesman for further advice. Whichever, an aerial inspection will include high quality HD images and data report with an incredibly quick deliverable unrivalled by any other method.
Did you know:-
1, Solar panels are best inspected between the hours of 11am and 3pm when the sun is at its highest
2, Solar panel inspections cannot be carried out with a wind speed higher than 15mph due to the cooling effect it has over the panels
3, Solar panel thermal inspections require the sun to generate a minimum of 600Watt per sq/mtr outage before inspection can take place
4, Solar panels cannot be inspected when covered with ice, snow, or when wet
5, Solar panel inspections carried out by drones have to ensure the thermal sensor is perpendicular to the panel surface
6, Solar panels need clear skies to perform at optimum temperature and achieve maximum outage
7, Solar panels in clear skies highlight issues, such as hotspots and diode burn outs, a lot clearer than dull and overcast weather conditions
8, Solar panel engineers and electricians prefer thermal pallet of White Hot, as this provides the best detail to work with
9, Solar panel inspections also use a thermal pallet of Ironball to show clients a recognisable blue (cold) to red/white (hot) heat signatures
10, There are 4 main types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, PERC (Passive Emmitter Rear Cell), and thin-film (bendy)